Wednesday, August 14, 2019

(m/m) If Cowboy's Ruled the World - Part 1 - NEW

So this is part of that story I was trying to write. Forever. It's the only part that's finished. And remember it's based on a sexy dream I had, so it's not as rough-and-tumble as some of my work is. Still, it's sexy. So I hope you enjoy.

If Cowboy’s Ruled the World - Part 1

Aiden heaved the bale of hay onto the truck and went off to get another one. His shirt was off and his muscular torso was gleaming in the mid-morning sun. Justin noticed this but kept on working. After a while Aiden stopped what he was doing and stretched.
“Man, I’m horny today. Let’s have some fun.”
Ever since the third world war’s radiation had caused women to be very rare, it was up to the surplus of men to take care of each other’s sexual needs. It had become normal for men to have sex with other men, and these two cowboy lads were no exception. Justin grinned and followed Aiden into the barn. Both boys shucked off their boots, undid their belts, and slid down their pants. Aiden sat down on a bale and just slid to kneel between Aiden’s knees. Aiden’s prong was at attention, pink, perfect, rigid and dripping. With a natural hunger, Justin swallowed the 17 year old’s cock with enthusiasm. There really wasn’t anything more wonderful on a hot Sunday in July than another boy’s rigid dick filling your mouth. Justin curved his lips to form a tight seal around the organ, and then he began to suck. He sucked and pistoned his mouth up and down the long smooth shaft of his fellow cowboy, slowly but steadily. With his fingers he began to first cup the slightly older boy’s nuts and then, as was the custom, began to squeeze them. At first lightly and then with more and more force. It was tradition that blowjobs be accompanied by nut pain. It was felt that pleasure plus pain was more manly and macho, and most men liked to cum to the feeling of gut-wrenching ball pain radiating into their stomachs.
“Oh fuck yeah,” said Aiden. “Oh fuck, squeeze my nuts. Shit yeah. Damn boy you got a mouth like a hoover.” Aiden grasped Justin’s bobbing head and pulled the boy up for a kiss. Normally if two strangers were having sex they avoided kissing until they felt they knew each other. However, Aiden and Justin had been friends for years. Kissing during sex was normal for them. The two teens passionately explored each other’s mouths while Justin stroked Aiden’s moist woody and Aiden held Justin’s head in his two hands. This was what nature intended sex between men to be. Natural, spontaneous, painful, pleasurable and relentless. With a smooth disengage, Justin went back to polishing Aiden’s wood (and squeezing the teen’s huge walnuts). This went on for some time. Normally whoever came first would then allow themselves to be fucked, and that was the normal course of sex for these two friends. Faster and faster Justin swallowed Aiden’s dong, and the sixteen year old could feel his friend’s sack tighten as he began to orgasm. Justin really dug his thumbs into Aiden’s nuts just as they released a volley of hot frothy semen. The sticky white stuff gushed into Justin’s mouth and was swallowed expertly, and like most cummers, Aiden let out a yell. The pleasure and pain of the situation was mind boggling, and his whole body was wracked with endorphins and chills, despite the heat. Aiden fell backwards, his muscular chest heaving with deep breaths. Justin continued to suck the wilting pecker until ever last ounce of sex had been consumed.
“Damn you taste good, Aiden. Better than my brother.” Justin smiled, his lips slick with sperm.
“Aww, Justin, you always say that. Kiss me, and let me see for myself.”
Justin got up and lay across his naked friend and held him close and then kissed the older boy so that he could taste his own issue. It was sweet and frothy and like musky candy. The two boys macked for a while, their sexy white muscular bodies slipping and sliding all over. Eventually Justin whispered into Aiden’s ear, “My turn.” With strong hands Justin flipped his friend over on this stomach and made the boy spread his legs. Justin lined up his own sword and in one stroke impaled it in Aiden’s ass. WHAM. Then he rode Aiden like a stallion, plowing his hole like it was some Olympic event. THUMP THUMP THUMP. Justin’s haunches thumped against Aiden’s ass, and both young men were moaning in ecstasy. Little dribbles of sweat trickled down off of Justin’s body and onto Aiden’s back, and the whole barn was filled with the heady scent of sex, sweat and hay.
Finally Justin yelled out, “It’s coming, it’s coming, IT’S . . . . . FUCK YEAH. NNNGGGGGG.” Hot semen gushed into Aiden’s large intestine, filling the boy up and making the day a sexual success. In fact the two boys sometimes had several sex sessions throughout the day, and as long as they got their work done, nothing could make their fathers’ happier. Afterall, sex between both men and boys was normal, pleasurable and a powerful social lubricant. It also made males more productive since they could get sex off their minds and back on work.
Justin playfully slapped Aiden’s ass. “How was that, my fine young stallion?”
“Great as always, although next time, I want to ride YOU.”
“Heh. You have to catch me first!” Justin shot up, yanked up his pants, and ran off towards the bailer. Aiden laughed, wrestled to get his own pants up and shot off after him. There was work to do, after all.

Monday, August 12, 2019

(Group/m) Whu Kneads Skool? (Some Footfetish and a Period Piece) Part 3

Whū Kneads Skool? (Some Footfetish and a Period Piece)  Part 3 - NEW!

So, at this point you may be wondering . . . was Christian starting to get A’s on his homework assignments and tests so that he can have his balls racked by his vixen of a teacher? Well, he was certainly trying to get better grades. He really pushed his writing ability until he could make his sentences and paragraphs sound as good when read out loud as they did when read silently to himself. He had remembered an old trick from a previous teacher who had stated that good writing should flow like a poem or a recitation, leaving only clear images and no “fog of confusion”. So, he tried and tried to get his first A on an assignment. However, once he started getting B’s (rather than his normal C+’s) Mrs. Vain started to give him some fun. She began to have students act out plays from various time periods of history. Roman and Greek plays. Medieval plays. Renaissance plays. And whenever there was a part that had violence, she would always have poor Christian take the abuse, and it somehow always seemed to be testicular abuse. In one scene where two young men were fighting for the hand of some lovely woman, Amanda whispered into the ear of Christian’s opponent to go for the red head’s nads. And boy did he. Ron, which was his name, smashed Christian’s fake wooden sword out of his hand until it clattered to the floor and skittered away by a good six feet, leaving Christian defenseless.

“Now class, Christian is completely helpless. Historically this would have given his opponent an opportunity to either outright kill, or if so inclined, to torture his victim. Many victorious soldiers castrated and collected the manhoods of their enemies. To show that their own manhood was the more powerful.” Mrs. Vain walked over to Christian and tied his hands behind his back with some velvet rope. She then pulled down his pants and let his huge bulge of a package become a focal point.

“You know what to do, don’t you, Christian?” whispered the sexy blond. The equally sexy redhead whispered back. “Yes, m’amm”. He sank slowly to his knees, spread them wide and then looked at Ron and smiled “Beat my nuts to mush, bro.” Ron let out a “YELP” of pleasure that was surely heard in Siberia and began to whack Christian in the nuts as hard as he could. All the girls were laughing and all the boys were rubbing their own goods. There was something so weirdly erotic about seeing another guy get his junk destroyed. And not only that, but . . . willingly destroyed. It was like God had given all men an invisible tally sheet where each set of destroyed balls could be noted as another rival being taken out of the mating game. One less set of baby makers to dilute the gene pool. And for women it was one more piece of proof that men were weak, useless, and ultimately disposable creatures. Soak up their sperm, pop their balls and move on to the next schmuck.

Ron really beat up Christian’s balls. He hacked, slashed, jabbed and ultimately mangled the red-head’s manhood, and instead of Christian’s dick being small and shriveled from the pain and the psychological torture, instead the engourged head of it was peeping over the top of his boxerbriefs, displaying one, single pearly drop of pre-jack.

After a few minutes, Ron was huffing and puffing and looked like he wanted to take a break. “Anyone else want to smash them?” he inquired. Cindy, the big athletic girl at the back of the room raised her hand and shouted “YES” with enthusiasm. As she walked to the front of the room, Ron handed her the wooden sword, but she just tossed it away. She shrugged off her huge tennis shoes.

“Real girls would have crushed a guy’s goobers with her bare feet,” said the sturdy young lass out loud. “Isn’t that right Mrs. Vain?” Cindy looked over at her teacher. “Very possibly, Mrs. Coxx,” was the reply. “Why don’t you ask young Christian whether he’d like to be introduced to your feet.”

Ron looked down at the girl’s huge athletic feet, thinking they were the best things he’d ever seen.

“OH HEALL YEAH,” he replied. “I’d love to feel those things crushing my eggs.”

He nodded at her, Cindy look over at Amanda and Amanda nodded to Cindy.

FUCKING WHACK went her naked foot straight into his nylon clad bulge. The whole thing ballooned, and Christian’s eyes bulged and started to tear up. That hurt like a motherfuck. WHACK WHACK WHACK What Christian felt was now beyond coughing, but more like nausea. It was if his body was rejecting the two big beautiful feet that were pulverizing his manhood. His body started to shake and then convulse. He’d never felt such pain before in his life. But Cindy didn’t stop. She was having too much fun. WHACK WHACK WHACK.

After about six minutes of this (with the audience clapping and hooting in appreciated) Christian let out a warbling yell and fell over sideways. Cindy stopped and looked over at Mr. Vain. The sexy teacher walked over to the wounded boy, and snaked her hand inside his underwear to feel around for his balls. They had swollen to twice their normal size, and she expertly pressed and squeezed them to insure there was no hemorrhaging or ruptures. They felt fine, if rather swollen.

“OK. Well that’s enough fun for one day, folks. You can leave early for study hall. I’ll patch up our little crash test dummy here, and remember we start discussing Romeo and Juliet next week so I want the first two chapters read by Friday. That’s all.”

Amanda gave her moaning student an ice pack to put on his balls and left him there for an hour while she graded papers.

“Feeling better, Mr. Dowry?” Said the pert blond without even looking down at him.

“mmhmmm. Mphf. (*groan). I , , I  think I’m good to go now, miss.”

“Alright well, pull your pants up and give me back the ice pack tomorrow. Use it on the buss on the way home. Cheerio!”

The next week they did start discussing Romeo and Juliet and finished it up on Friday, with a paper due the following Monday about the idea of “If Romeo and Juliette hadn’t killed themselves, what would have happened then?”

Christian’s sick perverted mind wrote a three pager detailing how Lord Capulet would have kidnapped Romeo, undressed him, strung him up, and then beat the shit out of his balls, ultimately rupturing both of them and then chopping off his cock too, and putting the whole lot in a jar of honey to be displayed in Juliette’s bedroom for life. A sort of grizzly trophy that she could weep over for the rest of her chaste life.

Christian was so turned on by his own idea that he came on the pages three times before handing it in. (The boy behind him wondered if Christian normally dragged his assignments through puddles of yoghurt or something.)

The assignment came back to Christian with a long list of instructions for him to carry out for the next few days, and then to be early on Wednesday morning. The cold day found Christian in a rented Romeo costume, and his cock and balls bound up and behind him with ductape, similar to the ways drag queens hide their own candy. The sensation was uncomfortable and decidedly odd.

Mrs. Vain showed up early too, in a get-up that would have made the Queen at the Ren Fair look cheap, and Mrs. Vain was apparently supposed to be Juliette’s mother. She was also carrying a bag and a huge meat cleaver.

When the class had settled down and settled in, Mrs. Vain announced that she had really enjoyed reading their “what if’s” regarding the tragedy of Romeo and Jueliette and now she was going to display her own. Unbeknownst to the class, she had brought a lifelike set of plastic testicles in a pink plastic scrotum (very life-like) a had Christian attach then to the inside of his inner shorts, with a nice codpiece to cover it.

“Mr Dowry, come sit up here, on my desk.” He costumed teen did so. Mrs. Vain stuffed a white linen in his mouth and taped it over so he couldn’t say anything.

Amanda then stood beside him and began to recite her own self-composed prose which basically told him that he was going to pay for the wicked ways of his family, and to open his cod piece. Christian did so.

“Now, forsooth, take out the jewels of thy family and let them see the light of day.” Christian reached in and pullout out the very big and very realistic plastic, water filled balls. The pink plastic scrotum, hung heavily over the side of the desk. The fat testicles lolled there, looking so delicate and vulnerable.

“Do you, young scoundrel admit to sullying my daughter’s good name?” Christian nodded. “And do you, you roguish Knave admit to impugning my family’s good name?” Again came the nod. “Then for thee I have only the butcher’s reply. I will cleave from you your sin, that you may then high thee to a monastery and live a life of repentance. Prepare thyself, eunuch-in-waiting.”

Christian’s eyes went wide and he early stopped breathing. Those nuts looked so real. He wished they were his real ones. He spread his legs as wide as he could, leaned way back and waited for his paramour to use her cleaver. Mrs. Vain, looking like a Elizabethan psycho, raised the cleaver with drama, so everyone in the classroom had a good look at its heaviness, its deadliness, its sharp and unfeeling edge, and then WHACK, the cleaver came down on Christian’s nutsack and the whole scrotum slipped off the side of the desk and went “SPLAT” onto the floor. And all the while she had looked into Christian’s eyes and continued to do so as she then started to stomp on the fake glands, shouting expletives at him “You bounder, you cad, you rogue, you bastard. May your manly orbs expel their seed for me ONE LAST TIME.” She really stomped hard and everyone could hear the fake nads POP. Christian’s bound up cock jizzed immediately because he so truly was imagining that those were his balls, and about half the class did likewise. Girls were moist between the legs and the guys were creaming their pants. By the end of her stomping session, Mrs. Vain was breathing heavily and seemed ready to faint (darn corsets!). She dismissed the class. Everyone left except Christian who had to clean up the mess of his fake balls. He pulled the cloth out his mouth and threw it away. He turned to leave and as he did so, he heard Mrs. Vain speak up from the papers she was grading. “That was my tampon from this morning, Mr. Dowry. I hope you enjoyed the taste of a real period piece.”

Thursday, August 1, 2019

(F/m) Whu Kneads Skool? (The Smell of Cum) Part 2 - NEW

Here is part 2. I just finished it, and I think it's sexy. And original. I'm sure the straights will enjoy it. This story got me thinking how we spend the first third of our lives at school, and it should be normal for kids to fall in love (or in lust) with their teachers. It's just natural. Don't know how real teachers fend off teens who lust after them. Must take a LOT of self control. lol

Whū Kneads Skool? (The Smell of Cum) Part 2

Now . . . Christian wasn’t much of a student. He was on the lazy side, not possessing of a keen intellect and somewhat shy and retiring. Still, the whole idea of doing well so that he could get his ghoolies squashed was an intriguing one. So, naturally, he began to apply himself with some vigor. He would listen carefully to Mrs. Vain’s lectures and then go home and spend hours reading not only the assigned homework but extra credit material as well. Mrs. Vain taught English literature, and so there was a plethora of items he could immerse himself in to make a difference to his grades. However . . . the object of his affection quickly found ways to make him leak precum through the entire class. For instance, on one occasion she read a passage from an old Greek text about capitol punishments which involved testicle torture and she had Christian come up to the front of the class so one of his classmates could “kick him where he lived” as she put it. Christian unhesitatingly complied and marveled at the beautiful young brunette who came up and slammed her leg between his, crushing his junk and making him moan. Dropping to his knees and coughing up the balls that had lodged in his throat was so painfully sweet.
A couple weeks later Amanda started giving Christian special homework. One day she gave Christian a packet of papers. It was a strange calendar which listed not only days but also homework assignments, and once Christian read a few of the assignments, he practically fainted. It was so awesome. Each day listed he had to do self-busting and self-torture and keep a journal detailing both the pleasure and of course, the pain, of doing such. The first date and assignment was to get undressed, get some twine, tie his testicles off with it, and then attached a bucket full of sand and hang it from his ball-bag. He was required to do this for ten minutes, then rest, then ten minutes more, followed by another rest, and then a final twenty minutes for a total of forty minutes of hanging. He was supposed to make his scrotum stretch to a certain length, and when he actually attempted it, he discovered that his nut-sack was rather tight and he had to keep adding sand to make his scrotum stretch. This made a deep ache in his stomach, and as he kept the required journal he noted not only the pain, but the pleasure of imagining Mrs. Vain adding the sand herself, and watching him in agony as she did so. He imagined that she added so much sand it ripped his balls off. SPLAT. On the floor, and no more babies for Christian. This made him hard throughout the process, and as the days rolled on, his entries became almost a eulogistic worship of Amanda and her busting by proxy.
After that was several weeks worth of assignments where he had to punch himself in the balls and film it on his i-phone so that Mrs. Vain could watch. He got naked, sat in a chair, squeezed his man-pouch out and then began punching his own eggs. At first slowly (it’s hard to overcome nature), but as the endorphins ramped up he was able to hit them harder and harder and longer and longer until they began to swell and turn red. The ache it made lasted for three days and he was in pleasurable agony throughout the process. Then another day where he had to tie up his balls and just flick one ball for 20 minutes, and then 20 the other. Somehow flicking was almost more agonizing than just punching – the superficial pain never really went away nor his body acclimate to it.
After a few weeks of these, Mrs. Vain gave Christian a USB drive and told him to watch it. It was a series of videos where Amanda had filmed herself on her smart phone watching his videos and masturbating to them. Dressed in a tight white skirt-suit she would start by just slipping her fingers into herself, slowly, in tune with his busting, and then as he sped up, her fingers would start to plunge rapidly into her almost virginally tight pussy. Her moans were in the same pitch as his pain filled vocalizations and it was like they were singing together, but separated in both space and time. At the end of each video of her, she stuck her cunt-wet fingers into her own mouth and look straight at the camera as she did so. The first time Christian watched one of these he creamed his pants. Twice. Just splooged without even touching himself. The idea that a hot, adult, woman would get off just seeing him racking himself was like a drug. Now, every time he had a class with her, he could swear she was rubbing her clit while she sat behind her desk and stared at him, in the middle of a test or a reading session.
As if this were not enough to keep horny Christian busy, Amanda moved the relationship to a whole knew level. She printed a short document which instructed Christian to take any paper he wrote for her class and cum on each individual page, then let it dry, then hand it in. She wanted him to bust himself while doing it and to film the whole thing and hand the USB in with each paper. She told him to visualize her foot standing on his balls and crushing them like insignificant bugs. She told him to think of her in candy-red high heel shoes and spearing his vulnerable balsies like a shish kebab.
Not two days after this instruction, Mrs. Vain had the class write a paper on Kipling’s “The female of the species is more dangerous than the male” and to analyze its merit. After painstakingly researching the subject and writing up a reasonable response on his PC, he printed it out. He put it on the coffee table, slid down his pants and underwear and kneeled before it, legs spread. Then he started stroking himself and imagining Amanda kicking his livelihood, smashing his balls over and over with her sexy foot until couldn’t take it any more. His penis swelled bigger than he’d ever seen it, and in about six minutes he shot his load all over the page, big sticky globs of white stuff. Huffing and panting in pleasure he clipped the moistened page to a cloth’s line, and then went to bed. In the morning he woke up and saw that his semen had dried and the paper had a blotchy tan hue to it. He turned in the page during class (being careful no one else saw his cum-stained report) and waited.
For three days he waited. Finally, his report was returned to him (along with the USB drive). He rushed home after school and plugged the drive into his computer. He stripped down to his socks and watched as his paramour, in front of the camera, stripped down to her own underwear and take his report in one hand and her golden dildo in the other and pleasure herself to one of Christian’s ballbusting videos, smelling the page once in a while. Just as she was about to cum, she stuffed his report into her pussy and saturated the document with her cunt-juices. She then set the thing to dry just like he had and ended the vid. Christian scrambled to get out the paper which he’d stuffed into his folio and looked at it. Sure, enough it had a big stain in the center, a stain that shone over the stains he made. He brought the paper close to his nose and inhaled deeply. It was a tangy, heady, fishy smell that made his heart race and his loins swell. He whipped out his phone, propped it up in front of himself, and filmed himself smelling the page in one hand, and jacking off with the other. At one point he even licked the page and could have sworn he could taste his teacher. Her very essence. He could swear he tasted his own essence as well. It was an interesting exercise in sexual archeology. That night he made two more self-busting vids, cumming each time, and each time smelling and flicking his tongue on the jizz soaked page. He then went to bed, dreaming of how this seductive relationship would develop from there on in. He fell asleep with his pulsing-hard penis apparently ready to find out.

(m/M) Mark and Me Part 2 - NEW

  Mark and Me (Part 2) After our Christmas nut-and-sex-fest my stepdad had minor surgery to remove his squashed testicles and replace them w...